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Episode 44: Boundaries & Independence in Your 20's with Brenna Potter

Updated: Jul 17

Woman smiling with hands in pockets
Brenna Potter


Welcome to the "Wellness in Every Season" podcast, where we embark on a transformative journey towards achieving total wellness, even in the midst of overwhelming moments. I'm your host, Autumn Carter, and I'm thrilled to have you here.

This podcast is a sanctuary for all mothers out there, and we extend a warm invitation to anyone seeking guidance and inspiration. We believe in fostering an inclusive community where we learn and grow together, supporting each other during life's challenging transitions.

Join us as we step out of survival mode and discover the path to thriving, embracing wellness in every season of motherhood. From sleepless nights to new beginnings, we'll explore practical strategies, share heartfelt stories, and uncover the transformative power of self-care and self-love.

Together, we'll unlock the wisdom, strength, and resilience within ourselves, reminding one another that we're never alone on this beautiful, yet demanding, journey. It's time to prioritize your well-being and reclaim your joy, one season at a time.

Autumn Carter: Hello and welcome. This is episode 44. And today I have with me Brenna Potter. She is passionate about guiding young women through a transformative journey of self discovery. As a certified life coach, and she focuses on personal growth and topics, such as self love and self compassion.

Autumn Carter: She specializes in empowering her clients to become the best version of themselves while creating a life. They love as the proud owner of coaching to confidence. That's such a great name. PS. LLC, Brenna is dedicated to empowering young women as they navigate life's challenges and embrace personal growth.

Autumn Carter: All while gaining confidence in the process, her compassionate and empowering approach enables young women to discover their authentic selves, set their goals, and take action to create and live a life they love. Okay, that was a lot and it was good. Young women, what age range is that?

Autumn Carter: First of

Brenna Potter: all, thank you so much for having me. Any young women age range 18 and older, it could be going from high school to college into the workforce. Truly anybody, 18 and older, who's I just need guidance.

Brenna Potter: I need help.

Autumn Carter: Are you thinking like into 25? What is the sweet spot?

Brenna Potter: Definitely getting out of college. You're what, like 22, 23, not even 21, 22, somewhere in there and above. For me, like the business has shifted from I want to work with college age students to now that postgraduate phase, because I just came through that as a 25 year old now business woman, which is so fun to say out loud.

Brenna Potter: I totally get what that transition. From that 22 year old version of yourself to the now 25 year old self, it's it doesn't seem like a huge age gap, but I don't think anybody prepared me at least for how much you learn and grow in that short time span. So I'm really shifting to focus on that specific transition of getting out of school or being early in your career, maybe if school wasn't your thing, which is totally cool, but just helping you in that like 22 to 25 like starting to really Figure out those years.

Brenna Potter: And of course we can go beyond that. I've had clients well into their thirties, forties, sixties. It's gone all over, but the sweet spot is that like early twenties.

Autumn Carter: You talked about your why a little bit. Do you want to dig into that a little bit more? Why it's so important for you? Yeah,

Brenna Potter: I love it.

Brenna Potter: There's so much to say, but it all starts for me just wanting to be the big sister I wish I had, or like the mentor that I wish I had. I waited far later in my life than I wish I would have, even though people are like, but you're so young. Still, from my own experience, I wish at, 16, 17, 18, I would have been seeking out mentors of women outside of my family who could it.

Brenna Potter: Hey, there's another way or be that backbone for me when I couldn't be it for myself, give me that guidance. And now that I look back on my late teens into my early twenties, I'm like, I wish there would have been someone to tell me you're not alone. You don't have to go through this alone.

Brenna Potter: Everything will be okay. It's not a race and talk to me about things like self love and confidence and personal growth and development. Those just weren't things. I was exposed to a lot within my family and friends circles. I had to go seek it out. When I learned about all that in my college years, I was really excited.

Brenna Potter: I was like, wow, you can have growth mindset and you can be really confident in yourself if you work at it and you can learn how to love yourself and work with your mental health on the good days and the not so good days. And it just all started clicking. That's when I discovered coaching. And when I learned what a coach did, I decided there's nothing more in my life that I want to do than become a life coach.

Brenna Potter: And just help people through all the things that I figured out for myself in terms of taking care of yourself as a young person and into your adulthood. It's just really important to me, the emphasis on caring for yourself for self care, compassion for yourself is the biggest piece because I think.

Brenna Potter: We struggle so much with that. And I think young people, especially as you're starting to have those feelings, you don't know how to talk about it. And so it makes it really hard to go to somebody you may trust, like a parent or guardian and say, Hey, I'm having these feelings. So for me being somebody who can be there for younger people who are experiencing similar things to me is just everything that I could ever want in a career.

Autumn Carter: You touched on this a little bit, but I want to dig in further. What is a life coach? What does it mean to you?

Brenna Potter: I love that. I love it. It's in my own perspective too, because I think we all can spin it in our own ways, but to me, when I think of life coaching, I really think of. Not quite mentorship because in my opinion and with my training, I, I understand the power and the knowledge lies within the client, right?

Brenna Potter: To me, it is a mentorship type role, but I'm not giving you advice as much as I'm asking you questions to say, what do you think about this and help you dig in to your subconscious, into your beliefs, your values, and pull out your own answers to whatever challenges. Or problems that you're facing or even just discovering your values, discovering things that you want for yourself.

Brenna Potter: Cause sometimes you need your hand to be held to figure those things out. And I totally get that. It's somebody who asks you the questions to help you find your own answers rather than giving you advice or, say like somebody who's a counselor, a mental health professional, who is helping you learn to process emotions.

Brenna Potter: We have space for that. But to me, a life coach is helping you find your own answers to the challenges that you're working through.

Autumn Carter: So well said, especially because it depends on the life coach and what their focus is on what life coaching is for them, right? Tell us more about what led you to become a life coach. Lead us on this journey.

Brenna Potter: If we dig a little deeper into it, since I gave you like the speedy nutshell version, I was about... 19 in college, I was a junior, and I studied business in school. I was like what am I going to do with this degree? I don't want to just work in a nine to five. I don't want to be in a job that I'm unhappy with and want to change a few years later because everybody who's been a mentor in my life up until that point said you don't want to change jobs too early.

Brenna Potter: That, that could look bad on your resume and those kinds of things. I had a lot of fear. Oh my gosh, if I don't pick the right thing, I'm going to hate my life. I'm going to be stuck in it. And there's, there's no way out. I spent a lot of time doing self discovery work and a lot of spiritual work for myself as well.

Brenna Potter: And I found a connection to a higher power in a way that made sense to me. And that really supported me as I did what I call more tangible self discovery work in terms of what did I want to study in school? What kind of careers correlate to those topics? And that led me to working with a few spiritual coaches, actually, and the way they facilitated the kind of few sessions I did.

Brenna Potter: I was like, wow, what does a coach do? Just like we were talking about, what does that mean to you? And it led me down the rabbit hole of finding the International Coaching Federation. I was like, wow, it sounds like a really cool job that these people have. You get to make an impact, make a difference in the lives of others, work with people.

Brenna Potter: It can be really fulfilling. That's every checkbox I could have wanted in a career. I don't have to be miserable. Great. Let me learn more. I found my certification program and I knew at 19. But that's what I wanted to do. I knew that I wanted to go to the life purpose Institute to study. Cause I just loved the way their program was outlined that unfortunately I'm a class of 2020 graduate.

Brenna Potter: So COVID hit, everything got scary for the whole world. We all went through it and I decided to take a big girl job for safety. I worked in human resources for a few years. And my favorite part of that actually ended up being coaching leadership to people in leadership, coaching employees, mediating discussions, everything that was super hands on with people and helping them with emotions and working through, conflicts.

Brenna Potter: A lot of things that life coaches can help you with right all came up as my passion areas and human resources. And eventually I got the opportunity to make a graceful exit with the company, which was a blessing. And I decided to go for it and start my coaching practice. I was at the end of my certification process and it launched in March this year and I'm loving it.

Brenna Potter: It all stemmed from my own self discovery work and it was like. To me a long process to get there because I knew at 19 I wanted to do it and I couldn't start until I was, 25. So I was like, Oh my gosh, I want to start this thing so bad. But we had those few years where I had to go through my own transition.

Brenna Potter: And now that I've been through it, I'm like, Oh yeah, there's a lot that can happen. Let's talk about that. The hurry

Autumn Carter: up and wait. Yeah.

Brenna Potter: It reminds me of, I don't know the exact quote. It's not coming to me right now, but I've heard people say before, it's like when you know, you really want something, something's really aligned with you.

Brenna Potter: It really calls to you and you can't do it. Tomorrow. It's so difficult to have to navigate life in the in between. Yes.

Autumn Carter: You talked about your HR career. Is there anything more that you want to talk about with that?

Brenna Potter: It was about two and a half years I worked in HR and it was I learned a lot. I graduated as a business major knowing that was the one area of like business typical I'd want to go into.

Brenna Potter: And I thought, oh, it's just because you get to work with people. It's the people side of business. And I was very naive and didn't understand what that actually meant. And my two and a half years taught me it's about leadership and management and people leaders, policies and procedures and legal obligations and accommodations.

Brenna Potter: And you'd be surprised at how many adults act like children in the workplace, but also how many adults are in. People leadership positions who don't know how to talk to people or how to be compassionate for people. There was a lot of growth for me as a leader trying to teach that to others, which was immensely helpful.

Brenna Potter: But it came with a lot of pressure as well. I went through a very severe burnout. It was onset very quickly because I have people pleasing tendencies that I've been working on for since my teenage years. And That took the life out of me with that job. By the time I left the company, I had been in therapy for burnout recovery for about four months already because it was so unbearable as I put extra pressure on myself outside of what was already on my plate from the workplace.

Brenna Potter: It taught me a lot and I was actually able to turn that experience now that I'm Out of the burnout and out of the recovery. Thankfully, shout out to my amazing therapist for that. But I was able to take that experience recently and do a workshop with a bunch of young women at my alma mater and teach them about setting boundaries in the workplace.

Brenna Potter: How do you say no in the workplace? Generational differences in the workplace can also make us as women sometimes feel a little bit too small like we can't speak up and we got to have that dialogue together in a safe space and just, I've already had a few of them reach out and you know they want to join some programs of mine or just talk and it's been so great to see how.

Brenna Potter: My traumatic experience became a really good learning lesson that I could share with people and say, I don't want this for you. And here's what I've learned through my experience, but also researching online, all the things and all the studies that are out there so you don't have to You need to take care of yourself.

Brenna Potter: You need to set boundaries. You have to learn how to set know, create a support group, all the things that can get you through a really tough work environment and help you to understand how to build a good work life balance because they don't teach you that in school. And it's not something I think parents are always equipped to teach you either.

Brenna Potter: It's so easy for us to just say that's life and I'm here for you. Even with friends, we can do the same thing since I'm not a parent yet. I won't take that, but it's very easy for us to just to be like, Oh, that's it. It's that's how it goes and dismiss someone's experience rather than saying, let me help you through that.

Brenna Potter: Let me help you avoid some of those same burdens that I had to carry. So it was a great experience in terms of, I learned and I grew as a person, but at the time it was really rough on me and my relationships and my friendships. So don't regret any of it. I'm glad I've been able to turn that into a workshop to help the women who are coming up behind me.

Brenna Potter: But yeah, HR is a good career if you are very patient with people and you have a passion for it.

Autumn Carter: And boundaries, it sounds like really good boundaries,

Brenna Potter: very good boundaries are needed. Yes.

Autumn Carter: I'm actually surprised how many are coming from HR and wanting to transition into life coaching. I don't know if you noticed that quite a few.

Brenna Potter: Yes. I've seen quite a few. I've actually talked to somebody this last week about that. She's in the same sphere. Yeah.

Autumn Carter: We talked on the phone before this and. You talked about what it's like for your mom letting go, and empty nest syndrome, and you wanted to talk about that a little bit, and I'm blundering my way through this, so I will let you

Brenna Potter: take the stage.

Brenna Potter: No, it's all good. I'm a very observant person. I know my mom's listening to this. So shout out mom. And I love you. And I'm saying this with compassion for our shared experience, but I noticed, as myself and my brother, he's four years old with me, but as we've gotten older and become more independent, graduated from college, and we're figuring out our lives as young adults, I've watched her know.

Brenna Potter: It'd be a little bit difficult for her to transition with us and learn how to give us a little more space than she's used to. For both my parents, really and it came to a point, and this is one of the things I think we talked about previously that I wanted to share where, for me as a young person, I was like, Oh my gosh.

Brenna Potter: I don't want to hear their advice right now. I'm not calling because I want mom and dad to fix this or tell me, what to do I'm calling just because I want to share with them and. When I had that realization, I thought they don't know that they're being parents. They're doing everything they feel that is right for them to support their child.

Brenna Potter: As a young adult, it's now my turn to speak up and say, Hey, I appreciate you and I love you and thank you for all this support, but right now I really need you to listen. And learning how to have those conversations is something that has served. I'll say my relationship specifically with my parents well as I've navigated my early 20s now because I feel a lot more confident to approach them with a topic and say, Hey, I really would like your advice or your input on this or hey, can I share something with you?

Brenna Potter: And we're In a space now where it's, Hey, if I want to share something with you, we just, we all have listening ears on and vice versa, because my parents and I are close. If they're like, Oh, this thing's going at home with our new kittens or with the refrigerator or whatever we'll share it.

Brenna Potter: It's just, I want to share and sharing equals listening. But there are times now too, where as a young adult, I specifically say, I want your advice. Can you give me your input? And it's changed the way that I think we interact and how I, as the younger and the child in the dynamic, I'm able to say, Oh, I'm comfortable with a harder topic because I grew up in a household where my parents were always, you can tell us anything, but even in that space, sometimes as you're becoming more independent, there's still topics where anything I can really talk to you about this, and that's the point that I wanted to make of just I know I went through my own kind of mental space as a young person going I can really talk them to anything, but how do I approach the anything that I am scared to talk about with them because maybe I think I did something wrong.

Brenna Potter: Maybe I'm placing shame on myself and I don't know how to talk about it with my parent, even though I really want to share with them because I know. They have my back or I know it'll make me feel better to share with somebody who makes me feel safe the way a parent does.

Autumn Carter: How do you start the conversation when I want advice or I just need to vent?

Brenna Potter: It's easy with my mom because my mom and I are so close. And it's truly for me, I'm a, I'm very blunt. My mom, we're both very straight to the point people. I can call her and say, Hey mom, I'm just calling for your advice.

Brenna Potter: As simple and straightforward as that if it's something more serious where I'm like, Oh, I don't know how I'm going to be received by her or I'm just nervous in general to share about this with her or with anybody. Those are the times where I sit and I think about it. And the way that I have found comforting for me as the child in the dynamic is just to say, Hey mom, I've got something that I want to share with you.

Brenna Potter: I would like to talk through it with you. But it's hard for me to bring it up and usually in our dynamic. That's really helpful for her to go. Oh, okay. This is a really important to my daughter and we can get into that. I see you space. I don't know how else to describe it. Other than there's not an exchange of words beyond that.

Brenna Potter: That says, Hey, I see you. I hear you. Let's talk about it. It's just, she gives me this motherly look of I, okay, this is important to you. I see you. And then it's usually just a, Hey, okay. What's on your mind. And she just lets me get it out and listen. And oftentimes I get her advice. Solicited or unsolicited doesn't matter.

Brenna Potter: It's usually comforting just to be able to say, hey, mom, it's a serious thing and it's hard for me to talk about. So she knows as my parent coming into the situation, I need you to listen and make this space really safe with me right now, because this is such an uncomfortable topic. And that's been honestly, that's been the most helpful opening line.

Autumn Carter: I think it's also not just, I see you, but okay, my task list, everything else is out of my mind. You are my focus right now. I like that. What advice, cause this is something that we also talked about on the phone. Would you give moms who are about to become empty nesters or are empty nesters to help them release?

Brenna Potter: The first thing that comes to my mind is trust yourself and trust your children. Trust yourself that you did everything you could within your power to raise a good human being.

Brenna Potter: That they are going to go through their own learning journey just the same way that you did. But trust that you've done everything you can to be the parent who supports them and will still be able to support them in a new way as they go on their journey, but also trust your kid. I think a lot of times that's where it gets a little unsettling, maybe for the child is it's, I feel like maybe they don't trust me with this thing, or maybe they raised their eyebrow in a funny way at me.

Brenna Potter: And now I'm overthinking everything I just said to my parents in that conversation, when in reality, mom and dad are looking out for you or whoever your guardian is I'm, they're looking out for your best interest. They've got the experience. And so just being there to say, Hey, I trust that you're gonna make a decision with the best information you can.

Brenna Potter: And I'm here when you need to talk about things, if things don't go the way you expected, that's been the most comforting thing my parents have done for me as I've gotten into my early 20s is I know that I always have a place to go. If I come home, almost every time I go home now I get a text from my mom.

Brenna Potter: Okay, the sheets are clean, your bed's ready, can't wait to see you, we'll have, we'll save you some dinner, stuff like that, just little things where it's, I always know that I have a safe bed to come home to, a home to come to, my people are there, even though I live a state away and I have a boyfriend and cats that I live with and a job and a business that I'm running and all these things, I can still come home and be.

Brenna Potter: A child for a day, for a night, for a week, however, and it's just trusting that you can create that still and that your child will appreciate it because trust me, I certainly do. I'll speak for the women out there who are like me, I love going home to see my parents and they're like, yeah, let's take care of you.

Brenna Potter: I'm like, I can be not an adult for a couple hours. Let's do it.

Autumn Carter: I noticed that my mother in law, she's a stay at home mom, she suddenly didn't know what to do with herself.

Autumn Carter: And it took a couple years for her to really discover new callings in life, stuff like that. What advice do you have for mothers who are in that stage? Because you are so close to it, where I'm a little bit further away from that.

Brenna Potter: I think honestly it's the same advice I would give, to a client who's in the school to workforce transition that I give.

Brenna Potter: Just try new things. Be patient with yourself. And also, as somebody who does, I do have faith. Faith is a very strong value for me and backs me up. If that's something that supports you, lean into that. Trust, trust that you have that backing. And just explore things. Don't put too much pressure on yourself either if something doesn't work out.

Brenna Potter: I love to craft, for example. I can't tell you how many times I try a craft and it doesn't work out. And I'm like, okay, that's not the craft for me. But I can go back to this other thing so we all have to find those things. And I would say too, and this is because I'm a life coach, but hiring somebody, if you're feeling so lost and so stuck, who is a life coach or life transition coach for empty nesters is a huge thing.

Brenna Potter: I have connected with quite a few just through my own. professional connections in the space and it's incredible to see how they can use their experience, their wisdom, their coaching certifications and skills to help you navigate that. Because Goodness knows you get used to the same routine for so long.

Brenna Potter: It's okay to cut yourself some slack and say, I need help figuring out what to do next, just the same way your kid needs help figuring out what they're doing next. You're

Autumn Carter: Figuring out life together. Oh,

Brenna Potter: we're always all figuring it out. And it's always okay to ask for help or look for resources, even if.

Brenna Potter: Heaven forbid, maybe you can't afford somebody services who you really want to work with. They might know somebody or know some resources that could help you. It never hurts to ask when you're rediscovering and exploring yourself at any stage in life.

Autumn Carter: And honestly, follow life coaches that you like because they give out free stuff.

Autumn Carter: They're constantly coming out with free content, and you can still learn from the free content. They make sure it's valuable. That's how you know if you want to work with the coaches, you start to look at their free stuff. So you'll still learn. And another thing that I thought about while you're talking is, it's like how you want to keep maintaining your house so that if you suddenly need to sell it, it's a lot easier to do instead of, Oh no, I have to redo everything and bring it all up to date.

Autumn Carter: If you are keeping yourself up to date. As a mom, as they're going through different life transitions, say all your kids are now in school, or you have just a couple left at home during the day, that's where I'm at. You have a little more time, a little more space. You can develop yourself more in that space.

Autumn Carter: That doesn't mean the time and space that you have is... Suddenly, you're supposed to do more for your family. No, use that for you. And if you're doing that and you're growing, then it's easier instead of even sacrificing all this time. And suddenly you're an empty nester and you have totally lost your identity.

Autumn Carter: You should be building up your identity during all of this is really what came to mind.

Autumn Carter: What is your ideal client?

Brenna Potter: Thank you for asking that.

Brenna Potter: For me, young woman, 18 and older, who is struggling to find direction and purpose in her life. My clients are saying, I feel lost. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life. Or maybe, Hey, I'm in a job right now, but it's definitely not my forever job. And I don't know how to figure out what that forever job is, or maybe they want to know what life purpose is for them at that age, and discovering that.

Brenna Potter: That's the perfect client for me. I do a lot of self discovery work with my clients. We do lots of traditional coaching too, but many of them, so much of what they're seeking is guidance on a self discovery process. So if it's, I'm trying to figure out who I want to be, where I want to go, I am the coach who's going to help you discover your plan and support you while you get.

Autumn Carter: That section of the learning lit me up the most. I was so excited for that.

Autumn Carter: Yeah, it's so fun because if you had all the time and money in the world and you had no mental blocks, if I can't do this, what would you do? It's just, I. I love going there. It's so fun. Oh, yeah, it is. Okay. So tell us what you are up to coaching wise. Is there something that you're really excited about that you're doing and then where we can follow you?

Brenna Potter: Yeah I'm absolutely thrilled. I have a new free resource coming out. It is a free weekly support group for young women who are in the School to workforce transition keeping in mind just all the topics so that we talked about through the podcast, setting boundaries and work life balance, having hard conversations and self care, creating a safe space where they can get together as peers and talk about those hard things.

Brenna Potter: With me, there's a coach to guide them through those discussions. There's no goals. There's no deliverables other than just a space of support and being and understanding. I'm not alone and knowing. But they have that to come to every week whenever they feel like they need that little boost.

Brenna Potter: Other than that, you can follow me on Instagram, which is at coaching to confidence 23. I do lots of updates and things there, but you can also find me on my website, which is.

Brenna Potter: It's www dot coaching at the number two confidence dot com.

Brenna Potter: If the support group is something you're interested in or really any of my services, everything is linked.

Brenna Potter: On my website, it is linked on my Instagram as well. So very easy to find everything is titled by what the service is. And the links all take you to the appropriate places to RSVP because the support group itself is virtual. So you will have to register so that I can send the link over to you. So either way, Instagram or my website, there'll be listed with all the appropriate information for you to fill out so you can join us.

Autumn Carter: Is there anything else that you want to share as we wrap up?

Brenna Potter: No, thank you so much for allowing me to come and chat with you. I love listening to your podcasts. I learn things as somebody who's not a parent yet. So it's actually really fun for me.

Autumn Carter: I love that. I have another person who's not a parent who listens to it. It's the same thing. So yeah, there's always

Brenna Potter: something to learn.

Brenna Potter: So I love it.

Autumn Carter: The topics are still the same, they just apply a little different, yeah, oh yeah, absolutely. Especially, it's not just moms, but there are plenty of women, men too, but I gear more towards women, who just have a hard time setting the boundaries, and they put themselves last, and then once you add kids to it, it's even worse.

Autumn Carter: Yeah. And there's several who were really good about putting themselves first, and once you add kids to it, kids just change the dynamics. Yeah, they have a lot of needs because, we all start out having so many needs and we should be learning independence, not all adults do, let's be honest. It's the circle of life.

Autumn Carter: We end up being needy and then having less needs. And then as we get older, we become needier all over again. Circle of life. All right. Thank you.

In the gentle hum of the holiday season, when the world is aglow with festive lights and the aroma of baked treats fills the air, many moms find themselves tirelessly pouring love into every corner of their homes, ensuring the joy and comfort of their families. But as the final notes of "Winter's Lullaby" fade and the calendar page turns, revealing the fresh start that is January, it's crucial for every mom to pause and reflect. As the new year unfurls, I invite you to join us on January 8th for a transformative podcast episode, "How to Keep from Putting Yourself Last." Let this be your New Year's challenge: to find that delicate balance, where self-care doesn't get lost in the shuffle of daily responsibilities. After dedicating so much of yourself during the holiday season, isn't it time you prioritize your own well-being? Tune in, subscribe, and embark on this journey with us to ensure you don't miss out on this essential conversation. Let's make 2024 the year where you find yourself standing tall, not just for others, but for the beautiful soul that you are.


Thank you for joining us on this week's refreshing wellness discussion. I'm Autumn Carter, your guide through the seasons of motherhood, and I hope you found inspiration and valuable insights during our time together.

If you resonate with the topics we explored today and want to continue your wellness journey, I invite you to follow me on Instagram at Moms Wellness in Every Season. There, you'll discover a wealth of ongoing wellness tips specifically curated for moms like you.

Sharing our podcast with others is an act of caring, and I invite you to spread the word by sharing, subscribing, and leaving a review wherever you enjoy your podcasts. Your support is deeply valuable to us and enables us to reach more mothers who are seeking transformation and empowerment.

If you have a specific topic you'd like us to cover in more detail or if you're interested in a free coaching consultation, don't hesitate to reach out. You can send me a direct message on Instagram or visit my website,, to send an email. I'm here to support you on your wellness journey.

Thank you again for being a part of our vibrant community. I'm genuinely excited to connect with you, hear your stories, and continue this important discussion in the weeks to come.

Until next time, remember to prioritize your well-being, embrace every season with grace, and always strive for wellness in every aspect of your motherhood journey. Take care, and I can't wait to catch up with you soon.



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