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Episode 73: Preventing Burnout with Amandine De Gaspari

Amandine laughing
Amandine De Garpari

Autumn Carter: This is episode 73.

Wellness in Every Season, the podcast where we explore the rich tapestry of motherhood and wellness in all its forms. I'm your host, Autumn Carter, a certified life coach and parenting coach dedicated to empowering mothers to rediscover their identity beyond motherhood, find balance amidst chaos, strengthen relationships, and pursue their dreams. My goal is to help mothers thrive both as individuals and as parents.

Hello and welcome to Wellness in Every Season. I am Autumn Carter.

And today I have with Amandine, And we're going to be talking today about anxiety release and burnout prevention she is the founder of Empower to Thrive Coaching and I will let her further introduce herself.

Amandine De Gaspari: Hello. I am so happy to be here with you, Autumn. Yes, I am the founder of Empowered to Thrive Coaching and my main mission is to help women with their anxiety and with finding the joy in their lives again.

Autumn Carter: That's mine too. I love it.

I'm so excited for this. tell us a little bit about your story and the path that led you here.

Amandine De Gaspari: I have a master's degree in business management. I worked corporate for more than. 15 years, I've done many different jobs, partly because I have ADHD.

ADHD and anxiety go together, right? They're hand in hand. But for a long time, I really thought that it was just the way it was that I was suffering from anxiety and that was it. I also had depression and it took a very severe episode of depression for me to actually be like, okay, let's pause here.

 Let's take a look at what's actually happening and how can I make sure that my life is actually not that. I was like, there is no way this is what life is supposed to be. Life is not supposed to be being anxious all the time. Life is not supposed to be feeling this way in the morning, not wanting to come out of my bed or overstressing about every little detail.

I was like, it cannot be what life is supposed to be. I believe in something. Bigger, brighter, more joyful than this and I started my journey with self help books. I love books. So when I started in self help books, I just oh my God, I'm going to read this one and that one and that one.

And I realized after 10 years of that, that I wanted to help other women not feel like this.

I'm a millennial, and I see so many women around my age. We were called the gifted child, the one who was supposed to achieve so many big things, and that had so much potential. I hate this sentence.

I just hate it. Oh, you have so much potential. Yeah, I also have so many potential ideas in my head because I have ADHD. But in the end, society just puts so much pressure on us. that we ended up being burned out before we even reached 30. So I got certified as a life coach and now I'm like, let's help women.

 Let's help my generation come out of this model. This way of seeing things that does not bring us joy because I see the next generation breaking all these boundaries. Gen Z is very good for that. But then, we're like stuck between the generation before us who was like, Oh, let's not talk about mental health.

This doesn't exist. No, you don't have any anxiety. You're just like being an adult. What? And I'm like let's break this down and let's find back peace. Let's get peace again. I truly believe that Life is supposed to be easy and peaceful and have joy of course there's gonna be times that are harder than others It's not all rainbows and sunshine and I don't live with the Care Bears.

All right There are hardships But it's a cycle and you always have moments where you feel down and others where you feel up But I want to make sure that the moments where you feel down, you're not too down. And also that they help you realize even more how joyful the other moments are.

Autumn Carter: And I love it that you're not getting so stuck, so far down that you're stuck, and that you're able to learn the lessons from that moment. That time in your life when you're down to then realize I can get back again and to enjoy the joy.


Amandine De Gaspari: But it's true. It's a cycle. It's literally in the cycle of life. You have to have moments where you're not going to feel really great. But in these moments, you learn something new about yourself and you work on that part. And then you enjoy the results of that work.

And then something else comes up, another part of yourself that you're like, Oh, okay. we're meant to be learning our entire lives. We're meant to be evolving our entire lives. We're not the same person today that we were yesterday or five years ago or 10 years ago, 10 years ago, me was definitely not mindset that I am now.

Fifteen years ago me, thought that by this age, I would be like Director of sales for some big luxury company working in like Paris like the devil wears Prada kind of career. I wanted that. And now if you tell me, do you want to do this? I'm like, Oh my God no. I want to do something meaningful.

that in corporate is not meaningful. just, I found that having a purpose, whatever that purpose is more important than the image I had in my head of what I thought my life should be looking.

Autumn Carter: So you found your individual purpose,

Amandine De Gaspari: It was so different from what I thought it would be, so different. But I think that's life, and my purpose might change again in ten years. But for now I'm enjoying the fact that I am, I want to help, and I want to share everything that I have learned. And I'm a big feminist and I really want to empower women through this learning.

I really feel that a woman who is comfortable in her shoes, who is comfortable in her purpose, is so powerful and so much more happy.

Autumn Carter: But you get me. French is their first language. That's where the really cool accents coming from.

And I know it's especially true for coaches, but I just wonder overall, if for most people purpose has to do with healing and helping to heal others. But I know that's definitely our coaching realm.

Amandine De Gaspari: It has to do with healing parts of yourself. Whatever job you're doing, it doesn't necessarily involve helping.

others in the way coaching think about it. But in the end we do live as a community of human beings on earth. So your purpose on this earth is definitely not to torment other human beings. It's not to tear down other human beings. It's actually to help humanity thrive. However, you help it thrive. finding your purpose has a lot to do with making your inner child happy as well.

Okay. We are all born with this joy inside of us, and today I'm really reminded of that, that when you're born, you're just like, you're just pure joy when you're born, you're like love and joy and happiness, you're just alive and you're there to just be alive and it's so beautiful, and we lose that as adults, we forget about that because of.

 The way we're brought up, because of what happens to us, because of society, because you have to pay the rent and you have to do this and that. And because we have so many have tos, we forget about the get to and the want to. And I know that being able to have a life that you truly love and that is not riddled with anxiety, or for now, depression, is you have to find places in your life where these, I get to do this, I want to do this, I'm doing it, I'm joyful doing that, whatever that is.

For you. But finding these moments and putting them back in your life

Autumn Carter: is so important. But tell us, what are those moments for you? We talked about plants and gardening and books. Plants,

Amandine De Gaspari: gardening, books. I love books so much. on Monday with another coach friend of mine, we actually went, we had a Girlfriends night out, but we didn't go drinking, we had a manicure, and then we literally spent an hour and a half in a bookshop.

And I was like, I'm happy, I'm just, I'm happy right now, this is great, I'm not even buying any books, I'm just happy because I'm surrounded by books. So moments where you feel, it depends which kind of moments you're talking about, because for me there are two sets of things. You have the moments of pure joy and happiness.

That I call more like playtime, like for a kid, right? Even as an adult, you get to have playtime. And for me, playtime is reading, or sometimes it's drawing, or writing. I love writing. And I mean writing in a creative way.

Playtime is, you know what, sometimes for me in the morning, when I feel really down, I put on my favorite teenage music, and I just dance around in my bedroom for 15 minutes. Nobody's watching me. Dance like nobody's watching you because probably nobody's watching you anyway And even if they are you might inspire them to dance too.

So yeah, I put on like the backstreet boys or one direction and I just I haven't seen my bedroom in a crazy person and I don't care because in the end if I was feeling down, let me tell you, 15 minutes later, I'll have a smile on my face and I'm ready to like, conquer the day that day is gonna be mine.

So that's what I call playtime. And then you have the things you do for yourself, that are self care, but self care in a way that we don't necessarily understand. What comes to your mind when I say self care?

Autumn Carter: I have this handy poster that's about the eight dimensions of wellness. So for me, it really depends on what area I need it the most. If I'm really going in tune with myself, it's where am I feeling the most out of balance? Okay. How do I take care of that? Lately it's been, I really love reading too.

So it's reminding myself that it's, I can read for fun, not just for learning. I have to remind myself of that because I'm that kind of a nerd. And I really love self help books too. So like the stuff you're talking about, I'm like, no wonder why we're friends and coaches, It's pretty humid out, but this morning it was good enough. My husband was home and my youngest wanted to walk with him mowing. And the other kids are at school, so I was able to spend time in the garden. That was my happy place. It was really fun. I enjoyed it. And I was able to then spread that joy because I was separating some plants.

by giving some to my neighbor and sneaking them in her garden before her family found out because they don't like flowers and she does so we snuck those in for her and her little corner where she normally has flowers but the deer had eaten them my flowers the deer don't like so it's perfect so i was it was the self care for me was I really love the ones where I'm being uplifted doing something and then I'm more uplifted because I uplifted somebody's day.

So that pay it forward mentality, I really liked that book and that movie because I believe very much in pay it forward. You don't need to pay it back, pay it forward to somebody else. And if it can be three people to that one great thing that you had, that somebody gave you, do it. For me, what feels right in that moment, where do I really need it the most.

For me, I needed to have a list originally, and that list has evolved a lot, but it's really, where do I need this the most? And having a mental list, so when I have those pockets of time that come out of nowhere, where I'm like, okay, What can I do next? How much time do I have? Okay, which one can I fit in that amount of time?

That's mine.

Amandine De Gaspari: I absolutely love that. That's so amazing. I love the paid forward as well, like spread kindness to people. Thank you Harry Styles for this. This song just pops into my head like a thousand times a day. Cause anytime I do something and I'm like, let's do this with kindness.

What if I told you that self care is also sometimes doing things that you definitely do not want to do right now, but that your future self will thank you for?

Autumn Carter: Oh, give examples.

Amandine De Gaspari: Oh my god, I don't feel like working out this morning. Yeah, but maybe when you want to have that cheat meal in two days, you shoot yourself in two days and be like, oh, I'm glad I worked out because I'm gonna enjoy this meal now.

Autumn Carter: For me, it's the hormones, the shift in hormones and how I feel lighter after I have worked out. It's a couple of minutes after working out or if I'm working hard enough, like then I get the runner's high

If I'm running, something's chasing me. Watch out. You're going to have to teach me that at some point because I know that you like running. But yes, it's the immediate results of working out that I really love. Anyway, keep going. You should start running too if I'm running, yes. I'll hike, I'll walk forever, but running, no. What if I told you that looking at your bank account when you really don't want to is actually an act of self care?

Financial wellness, it's one of those circles up there.

Amandine De Gaspari: Make sure you eat healthy even in the moment you are like craving the burger is actually an act of self care and other people will tell you actually the self care would be to indulge yourself. Maybe you could do both.

Autumn Carter: I can't find my care.

Amandine De Gaspari: Like a middle ground there because your future self will be way prouder of you and way happier with you if you had a nice salad that's like filling and really tasty rather than the burger and the fries from the local junk food shop, and I love junk food, so I know that's a problem.

But yeah I was thinking about this the other day. Whatever happens in your life, whatever goal you're trying to achieve, whatever change you're trying to implement, whatever you're trying to overcome, that's Being a burnout, anxiety, depression, it all comes down to acts of self care. The ones that are easy, and the ones that are difficult.

But if you don't take care of yourself, and all the parts of yourself, The light and the dark. All the parts that make you. If you don't take care of them, how do you expect yourself to take care of any other person? When you're completely tired, when you're completely out of energy, you know you still can't be there as much as you want for them if you yourself are not feeling great.

And it's hard because you love your kids and you want to give them everything and you want to be there for them in any way possible. But if you yourself have nothing left to give, you find ways to still find yourself.

Something in yourself to give to your kids, right? Always, whatever happens, you always find anything. But you know that if you actually had taken more self care moments for yourself, it would be easier to give to your kids.

Autumn Carter: I think that's very important. You just gave me a thought because you're talking about how you're taking care of your future self.

Where if you don't have anything to give, what are you taking from when you have to pull extra deep? As a mom, your future self. That was just my lightbulb when you were talking. I was like, hold on!

Amandine De Gaspari: but it's true. And, I know sometimes it's way easier said than done. I've been through depression myself.

I almost wasn't here right now. Several times. I know that when you are at what you think is your lowest point The darkest moment, the moment when you open your eyes in the morning and you think, I don't want my eyes to open. I don't want them to open ever again. That's a really hard thought to have, right?

And for me, it was like an electroshock one day, when I realized I had been thinking that for a few days. And I was like, whoa, now I'm scared. Like I scared myself. I was like, wow, like I, I actually went really dark and in these moments you don't have anything else to give. Like you feel like you're done.

 There's nothing left for you because you can't even get out of bed, getting out of bed to go grab a glass of water or whatever. It was Mind blowingly difficult.

And the irony in this is that the things you want to do the least in these moments are actually the things that are really going to help you. Meaning drinking water. Moving, eating healthy, all the things you don't want to do. I wanted to eat french fries and drink alcohol and stay in my bed under the covers and never get out.

That's all I wanted to do if I had to be alive, all I wanted to do was just forget the world existed. But,

if you're listening to this and you're feeling like, really not okay, and you're like, yeah, no, I can't get out of bed, I'm gonna ask you one thing,

and it's gonna sound really hard to do, but one thing, actually it's two, but, you can plan your day in your bed, that's fine. But first, take a shower, and make your bed. And then if you need to go lay back on the top of your bed, go for it. Take a shower and make your bed. And these two things are actually gonna bring you back to life.

Even if after that you need to sleep for five hours because it was like the most energy you've spent for like a whole week. So you've gotten some dopamine and some serotonin from these two very simple things. But these two chemicals are like so important for your brain at this moment that they're actually gonna save your life.

Take a shower and make your bed.

Autumn Carter: So that was heavy. I'm sorry. The title of the podcast.

Amandine De Gaspari: Take a shower and make your bed. I'd listen to it.

You're also fun to listen to, even before we became friends in the Mastermind group. And the bubbliness, and I just connected with you before that. Was that too heavy?

Autumn Carter: People need this.

Okay, so tell me more about how you used to be the gifted child, and how this has actually hurt you, and how you've overcome that. Because I know that you just talked about suicide, and suicide prevention, and there are so many people who end up there who were, or are known as the gifted child in the family.

Amandine De Gaspari: Talk to us about that. eldest daughter. Of course I am. I am, I don't want to sound like self, whatever. I am very smart, and I know that.

School has always been very easy for me. I very rarely had to work on my homework for it to be integrated. in France you have primary school and then you have what we call college, but that's not what you guys mean with college, because college for you is the university.

No, we have something called college that's between primary school and high school. You're like, early teenage years, 12, 13, 14, all that. And I was in, when I was in primary school, I had this battle with this one kid, who of the two of us would be the first to Because we had a grade and we were listed and like we knew who was the smartest child in the class because we like we had a number.

 It was like a battle with him who was going to be the first one on the top list, But I recognize that as feminist now and I realized that he had the right to be first I didn't. He was the boy, the cool boy, and he had the right to be first. I was the nerdy girl with the glasses, and I couldn't be first, and I was bullied if I was.

So when I reached the next stage of my school years, when I was a pre teenager, I stopped trying completely, and all the teachers would always write on every report card, Amandine has great potential, if only she applied herself. Amandine has great potential. Amandine is very good at this. She understands very easy, but she doesn't work, but blah, blah, blah.

And my grades were average. So I learned very young that staying average would be the safest way for me to go through school. Which is terrible, if you think about it. Because now that I'm an adult, I'm like, the things I could have done, the things I could have accomplished if I hadn't had this mindset as a kid.

That comes from school and that comes from the family as well, right? we were graded from zero to 20 in France. And if I had come, it was always the duality that I never understood. But. It's a very common thing in France.

It's, let's say you come home with a very bad grade and that, but I need a six or a seven out of 20. And you have to have it signed by your parents. .

I'd be like, mom, my other six out of 20, and trying to explain to my mom. Yeah. But the rest of the class didn't do better. Like the best grade is actually 11, meaning it was a really difficult assignment.

And if you think about it, I'm actually not doing that bad. I'm like still, I'm still average , and my mom would always say, in this case, I don't care about the other ones. I care about your grade. But then if I came home with a 17 or an 18 out of 20, which is really good, even. 20 out of 20.

She'd be like, Yeah, but what did the rest of the class do? Double standard, mom! So I grew up with, Amandine could do better if she applied herself. Amandine is so gifted. She has so many talents. It's so easy for her. But she doesn't apply herself. But again, I had learned that staying average was safe.

It was just safe. I would pass. I passed every class.

And then I decided to do a master's degree. when you do a master's degree, that's when I realized. Actually being good is good. Being above average is good. And that's when I applied myself like crazy, because I was paying for that school. I went to school in Paris.

I had student loans. It's not as much as in the US, okay? But for a French person to have student loans, even though, Normal, I want to say average university is free. When you take it upon yourself to have student loans, it means you're really doing something specific. You're really dedicating yourself to something.

And I was like, I'm just going to work my ass off. I'm going to be great at it. But you forgot, I forgot how. It was hard after, I want to say, 15 years of staying average, to decide I didn't want to be average anymore. It was such a big shift and I realized it was way harder it should have been if I had actually applied myself all the previous years before, right?

And suddenly so much was expected of me.

I was the kid from my family, the first one to go all the way through university, to have a master's degree, have an MBA. I'm the only one. And, they were like, oh, she's gonna have this great job, she's gonna work corporate, and she's gonna have so much money, and she's gonna be so strong, and she's gonna have this. The career they see out of Hollywood movies, basically. And I was expected to do that.

Autumn Carter: No life.

Only working, horrible health, you mean that part of Hollywood? Yeah, With tons of money that you're never going to be able to spend because you're

Amandine De Gaspari: working. Like Meg Ryan in Working Girl in the 80s. Yeah that was the spirit. Or, like I said before, the devil was Prada. And because I worked in fashion, and I lived a situation very similar to that this is not entirely fiction, guys.

Yeah. But I ended up in a company where the lady would text me at 2am to insult me because she said I was not doing enough overtime.

But I was the gifted child. I was supposed to go through that. I was supposed to get the hardship and the crazy job and the crazy hours with the crazy title. Was I happy? No. I was so unhappy on so many levels. I hated my job. But I was where I was expected to be.

And I did that for years.

And it's so difficult because also I actually changed jobs so many times when I was working in fashion. Like you look at my resume, you have a laugh. I never stayed more than a year and a half in each company I worked for. And I've learned that I have a DHD like only less than two years ago.

And I've realized it's because anytime I entered a company, I learned everything I could about the company, everything I could about the product. I learned everything I wanted to learn. And once I got bored, I switched, and I got bored very easily because I learn very easily. I get interested, I learn everything I can learn, and I'm like, Eh, yeah, now it's boring, let's change.

And I've done that with my job, literally what I've done with all these companies, but I ended up in very bad situations. And I reached 25 years old. I had my first depression at 25. It shouldn't be like this. It was just the first one. I had three. The next ones are other reasons on top of being the gifted child who never reached her potential.

And now I'm 38 and I'm growing my business and I'm doing this from a place of love and purpose and it's joyful but there's still this part of me that keeps saying you're not doing enough. You have potential, you're not reaching the potential, why aren't you reaching the potential? It's still there at the back of my mind I fight it much better than I ever did before and it's good to know that you have potential to grow and to evolve and to make big things.

it shouldn't be. A sword above your head. It should be a step that helps you step up. Because that's how I feel when my anxiety takes over. I feel like I'm drowning.

And being the gifted child has its positives. You should take it as the most amazing thing in your life because that means at some point people realize you were really smart and you could do great things with your life. But you have to find what great thing makes you happy, and also it doesn't have to be great in their definition of it.

It has to be great for you, not by them.

Autumn Carter: go their whole lives without ever figuring that out. And that is just heartbreaking,

Amandine De Gaspari: because I see people I know struggling. I see them on a path. That does not make them happy. But they stick with it because they think that's what they should be doing.

sometimes it's just what they've been trained for, and they're just too scared to learn something else, which is fine getting healing and working on yourself is one of the most difficult things ever. It takes work. I'm not gonna lie, it takes work. But it's a work that's so good for your soul, that I really hope more people do it.

Because if you're happy in what you do, no one can take that away from you. And if you're confident in the fact that it makes you happy, truly happy, then no one can tell you otherwise. No one can tell you it's not working out, no one can tell you are unsuccessful if you truly know deep inside of you that this is what you're happy doing and that at that moment, it's your only purpose.

the purpose can change, but your actual only purpose on Earth is to be happy. Let's find the ways to achieve that.

Autumn Carter: I wonder if sometimes we're searching so much for happiness, the higher, the highest level, that we don't realize that it kind of fluctuates.

So we need to be finding more of the contentment, knowing that it's going to go up and down. So once in a while, we reach the highest level of the happiness, right? It doesn't last for very long because we're like be perfect if it was just tweaked to this. and then we are trying to stay On the light side of this graph, think of it as line of where the happiness is, but knowing that we are going to dip down and like you said, not dipping down too low, but sometimes we are so stuck on trying to find this epic happiness that we're not seeing the things that we have around us, yes, or content.

Where you just have that, like going down the smooth road, right? Where it just feels like things are aligned. That is what I search for. And there's times where I'm so busy trying to put in the wrong shape. Like the old school saying of the square peg in the round hole. We've all done it where we're like, this just needs to fit.

Let's just get this in here. And once we finally have the right thing and we put it in there, we're like, This is so aligned. And we just that feeling within ourselves that it's this is so right. And it sounds like that is where you have been on your path is learning that through coaching, and you're now excited to share this with other people and to help them get to that place where they're not anxious.

The other Shoe's about to drop. that sword feeling, I know what that feels like. I hate that. And just realizing that when we live our lives, where we are simplifying and decluttering ourselves, decluttering what's around us to be aligned with what we want and really updating our self map.

I've heard it called and I like to call it thinking of Google maps or whatever maps use where it is updating constantly. If you are taking the time to do that's where self care comes in, that you are able to realize, okay, this is where I am now. And I'm not compared to anybody else.

Just where I'm at in my journey right now. These are the things that align with me. It brings you that contentment.

And that's where coaching comes in. If you are really stuck, that's what we're here for. So you help out women with burnout, with anxiety, with depression. What else do you want people to know about you?

Amandine De Gaspari: I just want to go back real quick on the happiness thing. I feel like We spend too much of our lives searching for the next thing that will make us happier.

Being happy is something that happens in the present moment, it's not a future thing. And so there are things I want to achieve in my life, right? But are there things that actually make me happy and content right now? Yes! Do I need to actually focus on that a lot? Yes!

I don't have kids. I don't have a husband and society is like looking at me like, what are you doing with your life? I'm doing many things that make me happy. I've done many things before that made me happy and that led me to where I am now, childless and husbandless. Maybe it's not on my path right now to have that, but maybe it's have these and happiness has to be found,

not just around you but within you. And again, if you know what makes you happy and what brings you joy in the present moment, like right now for me, simplest joy, I have little flowers on my desk. That brings me so much joy. You have to realize little moments of happiness, because they will help you figure out who you are and what your life is supposed to look like.

So if you look, like for me, my life is supposed to be happy. He's surrounded with a lot of flowers and books. These make me happy. And as long as I have that, good! So anyway, I hope this was not too out of but yeah, other than that, coaching wise I am a certified knife coach in life purpose.

Meaning I have an actual methodology. with exercises and weeks to go through how to find your life purpose. I do adapt it, first on a person to person basis because we're all different, right? Even though the same exercises will help tremendous amount of people. What comes out of the exercises is always different, right?

But also, I actually combined this search for life purpose with first,

I like to start with the basics. you don't build a house on sand. the sand is your self care, it's your mental health, it's your habits, Once we have that down, once we have a good foundation that brings you back your energy and a clearer mind, then we can look at your life purpose.

I combined the two because I've been through both separately. And I've tried to do the life purpose thing before finding my ground. I had another, Business that was called something completely different. And I wanted to do something completely different with it.

And I realized that it's because I hadn't healed everything. I hadn't taken care of the scent that was under and the scent started moving and everything crumbled down. And I was like, okay, Sam first let's do some groundwork. And so the groundwork is there and lasts through all the sessions.

So it's the programs, like the one on one program I have is like 12 sessions, right? The first five are just self care, figuring out how to bring you back your energy, your clarity, your peace of mind, because from there, we can work on actually building the life that will make you happy and joyful.

even in the dark moments. But we need to work on these five sessions first. Let's do just a few exercises, figure out who you are, what are your interests, and yeah, you should become, I don't know, a florist, or you should like, this would make me happy, and yeah, you go for it.

And yeah, you're probably going to overwork yourself, because in the end, We didn't figure out why you were so unhappy before.

 Press the groundwork. The baseline. And I'm not a therapist, right? I'm a life coach. And if you need a therapist, I will tell you. Because. There are things that I cannot take care of for you. Some things that only a professional can look at. I'm a big believer in therapy. Been through it. Want to go back.

Because we all have things that we need to work on for the rest of our lives. But yeah, groundwork. And then we build on the groundwork. And figure out. But to figure out what is going to make you happy, we need to first bring you out of a place where you feel completely drained and burned out.

Because as long as you feel drained and burned out and anxious, none of the decisions you're going to make in that state are going to be lasting decisions. They're going to be surviving decisions, not thriving decisions. And I want you to thrive. I want to empower you to thrive. That's the name of my business, right?

baseline first.

Absolutely. I highly recommend it. a friend of mine, A few days ago. goes through therapy and we were talking about my work and he was like, what's the difference between a therapist and a life coach?

the way I explained it to him is the life coach is really more action based. In therapy you talk about a lot of things, it's a lot of digging, it's a lot of figuring things out. With your life coach, you put a plan in place, you take actions to take what you figure out in therapy and do something with it, work with it.

So it's like they actually complete each other. You don't have to have a therapist to have a life coach, you can have one without the other one, but they also really work well together. Because let's say with your therapist you figure out you had burnout and you need to rest and you need to work.

Yeah, but what rest actually looks like for you, because some people cannot just rest. And a life coach is going to be there to help you put actual plan and actions in place so you can recover and not just tell you need to sleep and maybe take a few antidepressants. So that was my explanation.

Autumn Carter: I hope you like it. Yeah, it does. Okay, so we are over time, because that's why we always work. That's us together.

So tell me about, you have a newsletter. And how, tell us about the newsletter and then your blog.

Amandine De Gaspari: newsletter is quite new. So it is going to be focusing mainly on self care.

I really want the newsletter to be here to give you some tools to start the groundwork to begin with. I don't want to embark people on, all these crazy things of life purpose. No, I really want my newsletter to bring some solace peace, moments of calmness, and self reflection, sometimes.

Work on the dark side of yourself that kind of needs it if you're willing to do it on your own The blog is a bit more broad and I have to admit a bit all over the place when it comes to the topics I do cover a lot of my articles already online if you want to take a look are about Building a good morning routine because the way you start your day is so important And I'm a big believer in having a three part morning routine, which is journaling, then yoga or whatever movement you want, and then meditation.

Because you calm your mind, then you move your body to get the energy. And with the meditation, you center yourself and get ready for the day. So that's my big, I love that. I do it myself anytime I can, because again, ADHD, so I do it most of the time. And then take a shower and make your bed. There you go. there's also a blog article on there called I daydream about Chris Evans, the maladaptive daydreaming syndrome.

I'm saying how daydreaming can be really helpful in your life to help you, but how it can be actually not good for your mental health if you do it too much. So how do we find you? So you go on my website Empower to Thrive Coaching. com. you can also find me on Instagram empowered to thrive coaching. You will find more things on my website than on my Instagram, but you can find me in both places.

Autumn Carter: And you're more than welcome to join. And we can read your blog and your newsletter.

It's all on there. It's all free. It's all just ready for you to click on. Perfect. Thank you so much for this opportunity today and for the little schedule rescheduling. Thank you so much for having me. This was great. Loved it. I always love talking

Amandine De Gaspari: with you.

Autumn Carter: Thanks for tuning into this week's episode. I am your host Autumn Carter, a certified life coach and parenting coach Dedicated to empowering mothers to rediscover their identity beyond motherhood, find balance amidst chaos, Strengthen relationships, and pursue their dreams.

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